Ist unsere Nahrung noch vitaminhaltig? Die Veränderungen der letzten Jahre.

Does our food still contain vitamins? The changes of the last few years.

In recent decades, our food production and culture has changed significantly, which can impact the nutritional composition of our food. The question of whether our food still contains enough vitamins has become an important matter. In this blog post we will look at the changes in the modern food supply and examine how these have affected the vitamin content of our food.

  1. Agro-industrial agriculture and soil erosion Agro-industrial agriculture, which has increased significantly in recent decades, often focuses on high-yield plant and animal species that can be produced quickly and in large quantities. However, this can lead to soil depletion as plants do not have enough time to replenish the nutrients in the soil. Soil erosion, caused by monoculture farming and intensive farming, can also lead to a loss of valuable nutrients in our food.
  2. Early harvest and long storage times In order to meet the demand for year-round availability of fruits and vegetables, many products are harvested early, before they have reached full maturity. However, fruits and vegetables harvested unripe may contain fewer nutrients than fully ripe ones. In addition, many foods are treated for transportation and storage to extend their shelf life. This can reduce the levels of sensitive vitamins, such as vitamin C.
  3. Intensive animal husbandry and feeding In factory farming, animals are often fed special feed to promote rapid weight gain. However, these feeds can be low in natural nutrients, which can affect the vitamin composition of the meat and animal products.
  4. Food processing and refining The processing and refining of foods that are common in our modern diet can also lead to a loss of valuable vitamins. Many water-soluble vitamins are often lost during peeling, cooking and baking. Refined grain products, such as white flour, also have lower levels of vitamins and other nutrients compared to whole grains.
  5. Changing eating habits Our eating habits have also changed. Quickly prepared ready meals and high consumption of processed foods can lead to us having less fresh fruits, vegetables and other vitamin-rich foods in our diet.

Despite these changes, there are also positive developments in terms of vitamin supply. Many countries have taken measures to combat malnutrition and support vitamin intake through targeted food fortifications or dietary supplements.

Final Thoughts: Hey, in our busy world, the way we eat and what ends up on our plates has really changed. At Momona we are aware that vitamin supply plays an important role! As dietary supplement producers, we strive to provide you with the best nutrients you need to feel good all around.

Our high-quality supplements can be a great supplement to ensure you're getting the vital vitamins your body needs to stay on track and feel your best. But hey, don't forget that we love real food too! A balanced diet with fresh and natural ingredients is still the be-all and end-all for strong health.

At Momona we are proud of our products and we stand behind their quality 100%. If you have any questions about our nutritional supplements or would like more information, we will be happy to help you. Together we will ensure that you get the important vitamins and take your well-being to a new level.

Thank you for visiting Momona and trusting us.

Stay healthy and alert! Your Momona team